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Freedom Pens 

The Freedom Pen program is an all-volunteer effort that provides custom hand-crafted pens to American servicemen and women. This program is for anyone interested in donating their time, talent, and services in providing beautiful writing instruments for active-duty military personnel as a symbol of our support and care.


The Freedom Pen Project started out in 2004 by a group of woodturners in Virginia. A retired Army Sargeant in Louisiana named Joe Kelly found out about the project and started turning pens for the project. It is currently being supported through the Sgt Joe Kelly Freedom Pen Foundation, headquartered in Ponchatoula, Louisiana.


Several woodturning groups across the nation have been making and promoting Freedom Pens for our troups (Dakota Woodturners, World Wide Woodturners, others).  Well over 200,000 pens have been contributed to date.

Project details:

  • The turner is free to select the pen kit to use, and to determine the design, materials, and finish (turner pays for pen kits out of pocket). 

  • However, as an option: Slimline pen kits have been generously supplied to HCW for Freedom Pens by Rockler.  These kits may be obtained by our members (max. 6 at a time) for this purpose from the HCW Coordinator.

  • Members are welcome to use the patriotic red/white/blue center bands made previously by Club members, also available from the HCW Coordinator.

  • Members are encouraged to produce attractive and well-finished pens, recognizing their purpose.

  • There are many sources of pen kits.  A few:

When/how to contribute:

  • Pens may be brought to meetings or open shops at any time and delivered to Lee Craft.  When an adequate number is collected, Lee will deliver them to one of the military contacts.

HCW Collection Coordinator(s):  Lee Craft 

Additional Comments:​

  • While members are encouraged to make and submit Freedom Pens individually throughout the year, they will continue to be part of our Hunt County Fair activities.

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